Sunday, August 17, 2008

Moffat wins a Hugo!

Hooray! Steven Moffat won a Hugo award - his third in a row - for writing the episode "Blink" of the 2007 series of Doctor Who. He won the year prior for "The Girl in the Fireplace". Both absolutely outstanding episodes, my favorites from each season. Seriously, were you not totally disappointed when Sally Sparrow failed to become the new companion after Martha? She was so fantastic.

Anyway, this bodes well for the next season, because as you now doubt know, Moffat is taking over for Russell T. Davies for the fifth season of "new" Who. I know there's some controversy about that, because Who fans being what they are*, everything is a source of controversy. Controversy or squee.

*Don't you even start - I'm a HUGE fan. I had Doctor Who wallpaper on my computer at work for YEARS. It would still be there, in fact, except I have a laptop now and it gets a little weird at meetings when you have the Face of Bo pop up before the powerpoint slides kick in.

1 comment:

jennyklane said...

I LOVED The Girl in the Fireplace!