So. Just what the hell is my problem, huh? Why haven’t I posted anything to this page in, like, forever?
I know. Excuses, excuses. The actual, real, really for real reason is that I don’t have internet access at my house right now. I have to steal wifi from a super weak signal, so all I have patience for is checking email and Facebook. Posting blogs and images and links is just too much for my intermittent interwebs. Also, you can totally forget about Xbox Live.
And it doesn’t help that I don’t have TV either. I can’t talk about any new geek-related goings on, since I have no idea what’s happening. Final Cylon? Beats me. Doctor What Now? No clue. Lost? Well, I never watched Lost anyway.
So where does that leave the loneliest nerd? Well, I’ve been chasing easter eggs in Bioshock. I’ve been practicing clarinet a bunch. And I’m learning to read the Tarot without looking up every single card. But to be frank, I’ve been engaging in some behavior which is essentially antithetical to the Nerdiverse: I’ve been going out and spending time with friends.
I know, I know. Please don’t tell anyone. They’ll revoke my Nerd License if they find out I have a social life. Look, eventually I’ll be wired again and I’ll be able to talk about the latest Star Trek trailers and such. So do a girl a favor, will ya, and just keep news of this little dark time to yourself? I’m doing my best here. I have a whole box set of Robin of Sherwood DVDs to watch, so I promise I’ll be back in shape in no time. Really. Cross my heart.
1 comment:
Why are you not watching Lost? It's one of the nerdiest shows on TV! They have monsters! And time travel! And medical miracles! And hot men of various ethnicities!
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