This year, I went as Shaun, of Shaun of the Dead. I think the costume was a success, in that at least five people got very excited to point at me and say "You've got red on you!" The costume got more authentic as the night went on, because at one point I hugged a zombie and got blood all over my shirt. I didn't make a headband of the tie, though.
There were quite a few awesome nerd entries, including a couple with a shower/skeleton Karate Kid theme. There were two guys dressed as Andy Warhol (luckily from different eras, otherwise that would be AWKWARD), a droog, a gnome, and a Big Lebowski.
I have to give credit to two guys, though, for really bringing out the geek. First, my friend Buckley, who went as Gambit:
I'm a terrible photographer, so you're not getting the full effect of the outfit. Obviously though, guy knows his Gambit - the pose alone is a shining testament. I was very impressed, even though Gambit is my least favorite X-men.* He was also concerned that he couldn't find a brown trenchcoat and had to go with a gray one. Awesome. He couldn't convince his wife to go as Rogue, unfortunately.
But the ultimate win of the night goes to Cory, who went as Slob Robin, or Slobbin, as we were calling him:
People, this is COMMITMENT TO A BIT. Any costume that involves specifically shaving to give yourself a Fu Manchu is automatically made of pure uncut win. He didn't wash his hair for days, either. And last but not least, letting his gut hang through the costume was absolute gold.Sorry, ladies, he's taken.
*Seriously, playing cards? PLAYING CARDS? Come on. And his accent is ridiculous.
Nice rendition of the night. I feel like I was there.
That's my boy! Wow...
cory says "thank you for the recognition. it was a painstaking, life-changing, liberating moment in my life. it was painstaking, life-changing and liberating."
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