I'm torn. Really, I am.
SquareEnix released a long-awaited RPG for Xbox 360:
Infinite Undiscovery. Now, to be honest, when I first came across the trailers for the game, I mistook it for a Final Fantasy sequel. It has a very similar graphic sensibility, tons and tons of characters, you get the idea.
So I was a little disappointed. I love SquareEnix with the heat of a thousand suns, and they produced some of my favorite games ever (well, Squaresoft did). However, I am not a fan of Final Fantasy.
This may surprise you, given my propensity to love all RPGs. But it's true. I gave up on Final Fantasy after I put away my SNES. I mean, I gave it another chance when I got the PS2, and bought XII. I think. Is that the one with all the singing? I get 'em mixed up. Anyway, I only played for a couple of levels before I gave up. It was unbearable. For one thing, the singing-as-special-skill idea is ridiculous. Also, it was plagued by the same problems I've always had with FF: way too many characters, overly melodramatic storyline (seriously, it's a friggin' soap opera, right?), overly complicated gameplay. Give me Dragon Quest any day.
Anyway, because of this, I pretty much wrote off Infinite Undiscovery. But then I found out it is not, in fact, a FF game. So I poked around a bit on
Kotaku, and found out that maybe it's worth trying. The gameplay is apparently pretty intuitive, especially in the battles. And I watched a better trailer, which made me a little more interested in the world they created:
So, again, I'm torn. Pros: great graphics, interesting concept. Cons: corny shouting-out-special-attack combat, kind of silly voice on the main villain. But still, definitely worth a rental, right? I just can't bring myself to buy it at this point, at least not until I get an idea of the melodrama quotient. What do you guys think?